
zum Themenbereich Tranzendenzerfahrungen und Religion

"Transzendenzerfahrungen. Nahtod-Erlebnisse im Spiegel von Wissenschaft und Religion"
Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Nahtod-/Transzendenzerfahrungen mit Blick auf die Welt der Religionen mit ihren mystischen Erfahrungen. Eingehende Erörterung naturwissenschaftlicher, philosophischer und religiöser Grundfragen: Leben nach dem Tod - Jenseits - Existenz Gottes - Religionsgeschichte - Mystik und Transzendenz.  Zusammenfassung
Tectum Verlag (ISBN: 10:3-8288-9173-X und 13:978-3-89288-9173-9)  - Preis: 34,90 €

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Eine Einführung zumThema Nahtod- und Transzendenzerfahrungen:
"Nahtoderlebnisse, Jenseitsvisionen, Gottessuche.
Die gemeinsame Wurzel mystischer Erfahrung"
Tectum Verlag (ISBN: 3-8288-8933-6 - 19,90 Euro)

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Ältere Bücher zum Thema Nahtod-Erfahrung und Religionsgeschichte:

Högl, Stefan: Leben nach dem Tod? Erschienen 1998  - mittlerweile vergriffen. Gebrauchte Exemplare findet man gelegentlich in Antiquariaten bei ebay oder  Neuauflage im Tectum Verlag - siehe oben!

Högl, Stefan: Nahtoderfahrungen und Jenseitsreisen. Der Blick auf die andere Seite der Wirklichkeit. 153 Seiten, kartoniert. Erschienen 2000 im Tectum-Verlag (Rubrik Psychologie) ISBN 3-8288-8178-5, 25,90 Euro.
(Veröffentlichung der Magisterarbeit "Die religiöse Dimension der Nah-Todeserfahrungen" von 1997)


Allgemeine Literatur zum Thema Nahtod - Transzendenz - Religionsphilosophie
(Literaturverzeichnis der o.g. wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung)

 Abanes, Richard. Journey into the light: Exploring near-death experiences. Grand

                        Rapids/MI: 1996.

Abramovich, Henry. An Israeli Account Of A Near-Death Experience: A Case Study Of

Cultural Dissonance. JNDS 6 (3) Spring 1988: 175-184.

Albrecht, Harro. Fischen im Drüben. Sonntagszeitung Nr.13 (29.03.1998).

Alexander, John B. und Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Changes in Spirituality as Reported By

Death-Workshop Attendees. Anabiosis 2 (1) Juni 1982: 91-99.

Allgeier, Kurt. Das Ende der Unsterblichkeit. München: 1984.

Alschuler, Alfred S. Near-Death Prophecies of Disaster and the New Age: Are They

True? JNDS 14 (3) Spring 1996: 159-177.

Alston, William P. Perceiving God. The Epistemology of Religious Experience. Ithaca

 [u.a.]: 1993.

Arbuckle, Gary. Die chinesischen Religionen. In: Das Leben nach dem Tod in den

                        Weltreligionen. Hg. Harold Coward. Freiburg [u.a.], 1998: 119-135.

Arnette, Kenneth J. On the Mind/Body Problem: The Theory of Essence. JNDS 11 (1)

Fall 1992: 5-18.

Arnette, Kenneth J. „The Theory of Essence. II. An Electromagnetic-Quantum

Mechanical Model of Interactionism“. JNDS 14 (2) Winter 1995: 77-99.

Arnette, Kenneth J. On the Mind/Body Problem: The Theory of Essence III.

 Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Aspects of Interactionism.

JNDS 18 (2) Winter 1999: 73-101.

Atwater, P.M.H. Coming Back to Life. The After-Effects of the Near-Death Experience.

New York/NY: 1988.

Atwater, P.M.H. Is There a Hell? Surprising Observations About the Near-Death

Experience. JNDS 10 (3) Spring 1992: 149-160.

Atwater, P.M.H. Beyond the light. New York/NY: 1994.

Atwater, P.M.H. „A Call to Reconsider the Field of Near-Death Studies“. JNDS 14 (1)              
                        Fall 1995: 5-15.

 Atwater, P.M.H. „Children and the Near-Death Phenomenon: Another Viewpoint“.

 JNDS 15 (1) Fall 1996: 5-16.

Atwater, P.M.H. Children of the New Millennium: Children´s Near-Death Experiences

and the Evolution of Humankind. New York: 1999.

Audain, Linz. Gender and Trauma in the Near-Death Experience: An Epidemiological

and Theoretical Analysis. JNDS 18 (1) Fall 1999: 35-49.

Audain, Linz. Near-Death Experiences and the Theory of the Extraneural Hyperspace.

JNDS 18 (2) Winter 1999: 103-115.

Audi, Robert. Epistemology. A contemporary introduction to the theory of knowledge.

New York: 2003.

Augustinus, Aurerlius. Bekenntnisse. Übs. Hermann Endrös. München: 1963.

Bache, Christopher M. „A Perinatal Interpretation of Frightening Near-Death

Experiences: A Dialogue with Kenneth Ring“. JNDS 13 (1) Fall 1994:


Bache, Christopher M. „Expanding Grof´s Concept of the Perinatal: Deepening the

Inquiry into Frightening Near-Death Experiences“. JNDS 15 (2) Winter

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Bachl, Gottfried. Die Zukunft nach dem Tod. Freiburg [u.a.]: 1985.

Bailey, Lee W. The No-Thing-ness of Near-Death Experiences. In: The Near-Death

Experience: A Reader. Hg. Lee W. Bailey und Jenny Yates. New York [u.a.], 1996: 385-402.

Bailey, Lee W. A “Little Death”: The Near-Death Experience and Tibetan Delogs.

JNDS 19 (3) Spring 2001: 139-159.

Bailey, Lee W. und Jenny Yates. The Near-Death Experience: A Reader. New York

[u.a.]: 1996.

Bain, Brian A. Near Death Experiences and Gnostic Christianity: Parallels in

Antiquity. JNDS 17 (3) Spring 1999: 205-209.

Bakkensen, Helen R. The Making of a Mystic. Salem/OR: 1992.

Barnard, Christiaan. Glückliches Leben – Würdiger Tod. Bayreuth: 1981.

Barnett, Linda. „Hospice Nurse´s Knowledge and Attitudes Toward the Near-Death

Experience“. JNDS 9 (4) Summer 1991: 225-232.


Bartelborth, Thomas. Begründungsstrategien: ein Weg durch die analytische

Erkenntnistheorie. Berlin: 1996.

Basil, Robert. „The Popular Appeal of the Near-Death Experience“.  JNDS 10 (1) Fall            
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Basterfield, Keith. „Comment on Stuart Twemlow´s `Misidentified Flying Objects?
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Batey, Boyce. „The Near-Death Experience as a Call to an Expanded Consciousness“.

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Batey, Boyce. „The Near-Death Experience as a Call to an Expanded Consciousness,

Part II“. The Journal of Religion and Psychical Research 19 (2) April 1996: 63-67.

Bauer, Martin. Near-Death Experiences and Attitude Change. Anabiosis 5 (1) Spring

1985: 39-47.

Bhagavadgita: Gesang des Erhabenen. Übs. Swami Prabhavananda. Freiburg i.

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Bechtel, Lori J., Alex Chen, Richard A. Pierce und Barabara A. Walker. Assessment of

 Clergy Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Near-Death Experiences.

JNDS 10 (3) Spring 1992: 161-170.

Beck, Thomas E. und Janet E. Colli. A Quantum Biomechanical Basis for Near-Death

Life Reviews. JNDS 21 (3) Spring 2003: 169-189.

Becker, Carl B. The Centrality of Near-Death Experiences in Chinese Pure Land

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Becker, Carl B. The Failure of Sagonomics: Why Birth Models Cannot Explain Near-

Death Phenomena. Anabiosis 2 (2) Dezember 1982: 102-109.

Becker, Carl B. The Pure Land Revisited: Sino-Japanese Meditations and Near-Death

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Becker, Carl B. Views from Tibet: NDEs and the Book of Dead. Anabiosis 5 (1) Spring

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Becker, Carl B. Extrasensory Perception, Near-Death Experiences, and the Limits of

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Becker, Carl B. Over My Dead Body There Is an Ideal Utopia: Comments on

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Becker, Carl B. Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death. Albany/NY: 1993.

Becker, Carl B. „A Philosopher´s View of Near-Death Research“. JNDS 14 (1) Fall

1995: 17-27.

Beckermann, Ansgar. Analytische Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes. Berlin

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Benedict, Mellen-Thomas. Through the Light and Beyond. In: The Near-Death

Experience: A Reader. Hg. Lee W. Bailey und Jenny Yates. New York [u.a.], 1996: 39-52.

Betty, Stafford L. Jung´s Synchronistic Interpretation of the Near-Death Experience:

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Bianchi, Antonio. Comments on “The Ketamin Model of the Near-Death Experience: A

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Blacher, Richard S. Comments on „A Neurobiological Model for Near-Death

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Blackmore, Susan. Are Out-of-Body Experiences Evidence for Survival? Anabiosis 3 (2)

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Blackmore, Susan. Do we need a new Psychical Research? Journal of the Society for

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Blackmore, Susan J. und Tom S. Troscianko. The Physiology of the Tunnel. JNDS 8 (1)

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Bonenfant, Richard J. A Near-Death Experience Followed by the Visitation of an

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Bonenfant, Richard J. A Child´s Encounter with the Devil: An Unusual Near-Death

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Bonenfant, Richard J. A Comparative Study of Near-Death Experience and Non-Near-

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Botkin, Allan L. The Induction of After-Death Communication Utilizing Eye-Movement

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Braude, Stephen E. When Science Is Nonscientific. JNDS 6 (2) Winter 1987: 113-118.

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